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#1 Posted : Monday, April 11, 2022 6:18:01 AM(UTC)

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Step 1: Description
Back in 2018, I worked in Q-Mobile company as a Marketing Manager. At that time the company has faced many issues not only from competitors who were giving fierce market competition but also internally the company was not adapted towards change. Furthermore, due to negative brand image marketing, the sales team had gone through much pressure. Therefore the company decided to revamp marketing strategies and organised stakeholders meetings, mainly the production and marketing team played an important role. I am a Marketing manager given the task of understanding an in-depth company's internal and external environment, analyse, implement and design effective strategies to be the market leader in the industry (Filter, and Magyar, 2017).
Step 2: Feelings
Being a Marketing Manager of Q-Mobile Company, it was not an easy job as the whole company's performance relied on me; it was either be on the top or step out from the competitive market (Yu and Gibbs, 2018). Top management put trust in me besides this, and time was short. I have to analyse the whole company's internal and external performance, along with PEST and BCG analysis Royal British Essay Writers. At the time, I was a bit confused as my performance could affect the Q-Mobile company as a whole which made me stressed as I along with many other employees could lose the job if this did not work well (Gibbs et al., 2018).
Step 3: Evaluation
By conducting Q-Mobile's thorough and analysis deep environmental scanning, with the help of marketing models, it has helped in a deep insight into consumers and markets (Krueger et al., 2018). It came into the knowledge that the issue was not just with old marketing strategies, Q-Mobile mainly relied on but also because competitive entrants have given more pressure, also focusing on all classes was a problem too. Q-Mobile should have targeted customers based on demographics and focused on the Elite segment with the high-end premium product to turn its negative image and be on top in the industry. It provided a ground for revising old strategies for the betterment of Q-Mobile to capture market share in a competitive era (Erhardt et al., 2016).
Step 4: Conclusions
Lastly, I would like to put light on being adaptive toward change rather than hesitating as it creates resistance and affects company's performance as a whole as in the case of Q-Mobile, which created negative word of mouth and in turns affected the brand severely. Secondly, I should have been more open to discussion with production, sales and customers to get deep insights. Moreover, Primary focus should be a customer as they are end-users products should be tailored to cater to their needs and satisfaction to capture more market share and future growth.
Step 5: Action Plan
Nevertheless, Working with QMobile made me realise the significant importance of teamwork and how adapting to change with market dynamics helps the brand to get a competitive edge over competitors. After going through job burn and the whole stressful journey now, I am more open to accepting any challenging task Do my dissertation UK, and I will be able to handle such a situation very effectively in future (Yu, and Gibbs, 2020).
Erhardt, N., Gibbs, J., Martin-Rios, C. and Sherblom, J., 2016. Exploring affordances of email for team learning over time. Small Group Research, 47(3), pp.243-278.
Filter, F. and Magyar, L.S., 2017. Dating in the 21st century: How important is authenticity for mobile dating apps?.
Gibbs, A., Jewkes, R. and Sikweyiya, Y., 2018. “I tried to resist and avoid bad friends” the role of social contexts in shaping the transformation of masculinities in a gender transformative and livelihood strengthening intervention in south africa. Men and Masculinities, 21(4), pp.501-520.
Krueger, R., Gibbs, D. and Carr, C., 2018. Examining regional competitiveness and the pressures of rapid growth: An interpretive institutionalist account of policy responses in three city regions. Environment and Planning C: Politics and Space, 36(6), pp.965-986.
Yu, Z. and Gibbs, D., 2018. Social ties, homophily and heterophily in urban sustainability transitions: User practices and solar water heater diffusion in China. Energy research & social science, 46, pp.236-244.
Yu, Z. and Gibbs, D., 2020. Unravelling the role of green entrepreneurs in urban sustainability transitions: A case study of China’s Solar City. Urban Studies, 57(14), pp.2901-2917.
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